Saturday, August 9, 2008

Welcome to the One World Flag-- an international symbol of diversity


The One World Flag is an international symbol of diversity "Honoring the Talents, Abilities and Uniqueness in Each of Us, as Strengths that can Benefit All of Us" "... because we have more in common as a world, than we have differences between nations." This symbol has been attempting to inspire and motivate since 1996, and has supporters in over 50 countries of the world... and growing quickly.

About the Image: Symbolizing blue over green (sky over earth, blue can also stand for the waters of the Earth), on a white background, framed by what many indigenous cultures symbolize as the colors of the four directions. Like the Olympic rings-- at least one color of every flag of the world is represented in the colors of the One World Flag.

The actual website can be found at
And the actual, official blog can be found at
Please check these locations for any and all updates.

Here you will be able to:
  • download information
  • subscribe to One World Flag news
  • upload your pix of the One World Flag in your favorite places in the World to the One World Flag Gallery
  • download icons that allow you to "fly the flag"
  • purchase One World flags, shirts, hats, pins, stickers, etc.
  • support the One World Kids programs
  • sign the Guestbook and share your vision with the rest of the world
  • use the automated links module to link to your site/blog, in the category of your choice (reciprocal links appreciated, but generally not mandatory)
  • etc.
We hope you will take time to visit the website of the One World Flag, view the gallery, read the unsolicited testimonials of those who have been effected, inspired, excited by this vision.

And you may also be interested in the other work (websites, blogs, creativity, inspirational writings, art, classes and more) of my wife and myself, at: (DoingIt!-- a journal of positive living)

Note: If you wish to link to the One World Flag please use the URL's above for the website and/or blog, and NOT this blogger/blogspot blog. Almost no further updated will be added to this blogger/blogspot blog. This space is intended to guide you to the official website and blogs, to which all further updates shall be added.